Sabine and Ava had a lot to overcome when they came to me as unsocialised and suffering with a birth defect,
both suffering with eyelid agenesis, having to put up with being unable to close their eyes and the constant feeling of having eyelashes in your eyes. Sabine, was also discovered to be completely deaf. They were living a life in constant pain and being frightened of humans. Slowly but surely they came out of their shell and learnt to trust. Their eyes were seriously ulcerated to the point we thought they might have to lose their eye. However with alternating two hourly antibiotics and lubrication of their eyes we were able to save both and get them strong enough for surgery.
Both Sabine and Ava had their eyelids tacked and were finally free from pain after having to wait until their ulcers were clear and they had grown into their eyes. The fact they learnt to trust, love and snuggle through constant pain is a reminder that we can change their lives and the bravery of these kitties leading them to amazing forever homes. Along with the amazing work of our vets, two kittens now a fulfilling life.

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