Miss Mindi and I met through Best Friends Pet Rescue 2.5 years ago. She'd just raised and weaned 11 puppies and was anxious and underweight, though steadily improving thanks to BFPR's efforts.
Her introduction to me and my middle-aged pug was a 6 hour car trip home- where she settled in very slowly.
She was terrified of sticks, tall strangers, larger dogs, strange places, and loud noises – she hid in her kennel for several hours when I knocked over a broom.
Through socialization, time, consistency and LOTS of cuddles, she now loves going out and about with me and the pug, will approach strangers for a pat (or food), is generally happy to meet other dogs and is a healthy weight. She still gets scared occasionally but has become a great watchdog and companion who is eager to please and comfortable to stay in the yard when I head to work.
Mindi has enriched my life greatly – she's helped my pug learn to play (he's ex puppy farm), is my shadow around the house and helps me feel secure and safe wherever we go. I can't help but smile every time I see her.

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