I adopted Fellow almost 10 years ago. At the time we had to sit with him away from other dogs as he was scared of them. The animal philologist said he would favour my wife because we was scared of males. It took a few months of working with him but we were able to get him into the local dog parks playing with other dogs and he also became fully a daddy’s boy.

Fellow is my best mate, we go everywhere together and in the last two years we have started hiking in the Blue Mountains which he loves. People are amazed when they see him on the trails and when they find out he is 12 years old.

The years are starting to catch up with him, just like his dad things don’t move as smoothly as they once did but we both love to get out in nature and don’t let our ages stop us.

He has changed my life as much as I have changed his and it will leave a massive hole in my heart when the time comes to say our final goodbyes, I love him like a child.

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