Bart came into my life as a rescue dog in 2019 and after fostering 55 dogs I expected to offer him a safe and loving haven before he was adopted into his forever home. But there was something about him, was it his cheeky attitude, his wise knowing air, his youthful sense of fun that got under my skin? For the first time I contemplated the idea of having my own dog, one that would accept rescue dogs into the home. My idea was met with surprise by my friends who assumed with my passion for travel I would remain ‘dog owner free’ my sister, a Jack Russell owner herself, said ‘it’s about time you made a commitment, it’s the right time for you’. I weighed up the pros and cons of being a responsible dog owner and decided he was the one for me. We’ve now been together for just over two years and I’ve never regretted my decision, not even when he stole the bone of my neighbour’s dog and proceeded to chew it sitting on her sofa. And as for travel, well, I just adjusted in the form a camper trailer for Bart and me.

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