My family and I rescued Puddin from the Wingfield shelter late last year. Nearing the one year anniversary of loosing our very first pet we decided it was time to share our love and warmth with our next pet. Puddin has come along such a long way! From a dog who was scared of people, who refused to walk on carpet and sit on a bed because she didn’t know what it felt like to a dog who won’t leave our side, who takes up the entire bed and to a dog who could run laps around Usain Bolt. She is a beautiful, kind and not-at-all lady-like addition to our small family. Today is her second birthday and we decided to throw her a birthday party which consisted of 1 cake, 1 birthday outfit and lots of new toys. We are beyond grateful of the service that the AWL provided and for making our family complete again! We can now not leave the house with out our little desert. And how can you be mad at a dog with the name Puddin??

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