When we lost our dog Jasper (1st) our family was devastated especially my two girls then 3.5 & 1.5 we said a sad goodbye to our old friend. After a little while we started looking to see if we could find a new member for our family. Six months pregnant with our third daughter we were looking for an older dog as we didn’t think we could have a puppy and a newborn at the same time! One night I got an alert on my phone for a deaf puppy named Jasper and I knew he was meant to be part of our family. My husband wasn’t convinced a puppy was a good move but as soon as we met him we fell in love. Whilst his deafness have provided some interesting challenges we would never swap him in a million years. We changed his name to Bear (as he looks like a Polar Bear) and it was a little confusing to the girls between the old Jasper and the new Jasper but we always took his name to be a sign he was meant to find his forever home with us!!

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